A membership card will be mailed to you. Until then save and print out a copy of your receipt to use as proof of membership if you are questioned by one of our range officers.
You can also get a membership from the following:
Come to the clubhouse on Fridays between 2 to 9 PM to fill out and pay for the membership card. It will be laminated at that time. Cash or check only.
Go to Rigler’s Sporting Supply 1111 1st Avenue Rock Falls IL. Bring your membership card by the clubhouse on a Friday and we will laminate it if you wish.
Go to Shure Shot Gun Shop 2014 N. 2nd Street Clinton IA. Bring your membership card by the clubhouse on a Friday and we will laminate it if you wish.
2024 Membership is from Jan 1-Dec 31
Memberships purchased on or after Oct 1, 2023 will include 2024 and the rest of the year of 2023.
Dues are $70/yr.
This covers individuals and their families.
Please fill out the form below along with your membership fee to join.