The Illini Indians is a not-for-profit organization which promotes the sport of trapshooting and good fellowship among its members. It cooperates with the Illinois State Trapshooters Association and the Amateur Trapshooting Association to support these goals. The Illini Indians was formed in 1931.
The primary way in which the Illini Indians promotes trapshooting is by offering prizes to its members (which are typically in addition to prizes provided by the hosting club) at those shoots designated as “Indian Shoots”. Expanded Indian awards are presented at Indian “Zone Shoots,” the Indian Day at the Silver Dollar Shoot and at the shoot known as the “Pow Wow” that is typically held in the late fall. The Pow Wow is usually a two-day shoot which features a free dinner buffet for each Illini Indian member.
Only ILLINI INDIAN Members are eligible for the silver coin tropy.
The member with the highest score in each of the following categories will receive the coin.
Class "A"
Class "B"
Class "C"
Class "D"
What is an Illini Indian and an Illini Indian Shoot?
We are an Illinois not for profit organization
Our mission is to promote trapshooting in cooperation with the ATA and to promote good fellowship among members
Annual Dues are $20.00 for adults and $5.00 for youth 17 and under
You are an honorary member if you are 65 or over and have been a member for the last 5 consecutive years
We gratefully accept donations
We promote trapshooting by awarding trophies for “Illini Indian” Shoots
To receive a trophy, you must be a member
You may join the day of the shoot you wish to participate in and your membership will be valid until the end of the fiscal year
There are 3 zones in Illinois, Northern, Central and Southern
There are 2 zone shoots each year where special trophies are awarded
In addition, the Southern Zone shoot is also the State Pow Wow Shoot held in September
This year’s special trophies at zone shoots (2022) are belt buckles
Trophies for regular Illini Indian shoots in 2022 will be Indian head pure silver dollars.
We are awarding a silver bar for high overall at the Pow Wow
We are awarding belt buckle trophies at events 13 and 14 at the State Shoot in June held at Brittany
Our fiscal year is the same as the ATA, October through September
Membership Application Forms will be available at the shoot or you can download the form and mail in your application to the ILLINI INDIAN Headquarters.
The ATA Shoot Scores are used to determine which ILLINI INDIAN members will receive awards for that ILLINI INDIAN Shoot. There is no additional shoot fees other than regular membership fees. Your yearly membership will be honored at all ILLINI Indian Shoots.
The 99.99% silver coin below was the award for our May 2022 Indian Shoot.
The nickel is for size comparison.
These same silver coins will be the award for our May 21, 2023 shoot..
In 2022 there was only two ILLINI INDIAN members participating. Let's have a better turn out for 2023.